Today I told my daughter
A Sad Little Story
Because it was something
She needed to know
She has been asking for a while
If she could have a little sister
And my answers so far
Haven't satisfied her so
I said I was pregnant once
But it wasn't for long
It was before she was two
And things went wrong
There was no easy way
To make it sound any better
Than A Sad Little Story
That I wish didn't matter
Her eyes misted over
When she realised what I'd said
That she had had a sister once
But that she was now dead
She asked if the baby
Had been given a name
If it was a boy or a girl
And where it now laid
I said it was too early to tell
What the baby was going to be
I'd a feeling it was a girl
But that was my dream
She said for Christmas
She wanted a little sister
That if she wished hard enough
It could be a dream for her
She's too young to understand
That I can't do it again
It was my last pregnancy
And some things you just can't mend
I've broken her heart
With my terrible news
She is only seven and too young
To hear there are dreams we can lose
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