Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Herbalist appointment

My herbalist called me back for a free half hour consultation yesterday. I was very curious as to why she wanted me to come into the store. Turns out the handwritten notes she took at my last consult have mysteriously disappeared in the shop! She and the other staff there were highly embarrassed but assured me my notes are just lost in the shop - they weren't stolen. Apparently they turned the shop upside down looking for my notes. To compensate my herbalist refunded my last consult and I got my herbs for free this week. I didn't expect that at all - I was very understanding about it but they insisted. So it was nice to get some extra cash in my wallet yesterday, half of which will go towards payment for my daughter's gymnastics class.

I had my art class last week - it was the third session. I'm enjoying it and my teacher commented that my style at this point is gestural which means it's fast and not precise. We're painting off black and white photos right now - I'm using one of our wedding photos which is the back view of my husband and I are standing on a beach. One of my class-mates last night asked if I'd painted before which was a nice compliment! Although I can draw simple cartoons with a pencil or pen, I am quite awkward with a paint-brush so it'll be interesting to see how I progress.

I feel like my life has become a lot more manageable since I handed my baby dreams over to God and starting following his Will. Turns out going down the adoptive path is a very promising one and I feel revived because of it. I feel connected with the rest of my life again. I now have direction and motivation - something I haven't felt for many months.

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