Monday, December 31, 2007

Here's to peace & serenity for the New Year

Just because 2007 didn't bring a baby into the mix, life outside of unsuccessful baby-making ought to be acknowledged. The year cannot be written off completely just because I never got pregnant. So as I say goodbye to 2007, it's important I keep things in perspective and note that life did carry on, even if my baby-dreams never came true. As the year comes to a close I really get that I have carried the burden of living with undiagnosed infertility all the way through. Yet there has been joy, lighter moments and personal accomplishments as well, not to mention the true honour of being my daughter's primary care-giver for another challenging and fulfilling year of motherhood.

In the sermon at church last weekend it was noted how people often wish for "such and such" on other peoples behalves in the New Year. But sometimes life doesn't go so smoothly, even with the best well-wishes, so then what? The point was made that we ought to wish people spiritual growth for the New Year, which will help equip them with whatever life brings - the good, the bad, and the ugly.

This translates to me as having peace and serenity with ones life as it is today. What an incredible gift that is! I have been there before and lived like that for a long time. That's where I'm aiming to head back to as that's where true happiness can be found. It comes from within, simple as that. Whenever we start the wishing game, our happiness is hinged on a particular outcome that may or may not go the way we would like. Better to not put those eggs all in one basket, I'd say.

I know a few people out there may have their fingers crossed for me that I might fall pregnant in 2008. Of course I hope that happens too. But I have no idea if it will or not. No gut feelings, or intuition around this one. I just need to believe there will be new gifts for me in the New Year, even if they are of the spiritual kind, undetectable to those around me. If you want to pray for me pray for my happiness, that I will embrace my life as it is today. I pray for the same for everyone else out there.

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