I think my infertility woes masked an underlying problem for many months - that been my hormonal imbalance. However my infertility has been pushed aside for now as I focus on getting me back on track again.
Now I know I am hormonally imbalanced; I am more in tune with my symptoms. I have night sweats and hot flushes, mood swings, depression, and exhaustion, along with just about every other symptom listed within the average site about hormonal imbalances. I trust God that another baby could be a possibility at this point yet my attention is on getting my body and mind back in sync again.
I guess because I'm not so desperately participating in the fertility-race, people's passing comments don't upset me quite as much as they used to. Yesterday a MOT at my daughter's gymnastics class made the comment (meant in a humourous way) as her kids raced madly around the room "It makes you wonder why you wanted two." (children). She doesn't know about my SIF so I just smiled. I had to take a step back and think well if I'd had two children easily perhaps I would have cracked jokes like that too. Who knows. I used to expend a lot of energy getting rattled by what I thought were insensitive comments out there around TTC but now I am quite detached about them. My energy has to go into healing myself - that's it. It has certainly helped leaving Playgroup and attending Music casually as I have lost that weekly exposure to environments full of growing families.
I have been doing a bit of research on the Net around how to treat hormonal imbalances. I will start with my Dr to get the medicial perspective but will also look into alternatives such as progesterone cream, and herbs. I am really looking forward to getting this sorted out. This continuous "flat" mood that I seem to be in just doesn't feel good at all. It seems I have to work so very hard to keep myself in equilibrium.
I am doing everything in my power to help myself at this time - early nights, going to the gym, taking a daily womens multi-vitamin along with a prenatal vitamin, vitamin C and spirulina smoothies. I'm eating well and have amended my diet a little as per The Fertility Diet. However I am allowing myself treats again that I didn't allow myself for many, many months. After my chemical pregnancy in Dec '06; I thought I (and my diet) was to blame for my loss. So I eliminated sugar, caffeine and alcohol from my diet. It was almost as though I was punishing myself on some level. I will stay off the caffeine however I will have a sugary treat if I feel like it as well as the (very) occasional alcoholic beverage.
There is so much information out there - which is great - but at the same time, I am tuning into me and what feels right for me diet-wise. That means the occasional chocolate brownie or glass of wine is not off limits. This is all part of reaching a balance with taking care of myself while allowing a bit of harmless indulgence every now and then.
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