Wednesday, May 7, 2008

One more sleep to go (til surgery!)

This will be my last post before surgery as in just over twenty four hours I will be up at the hospital! I'm hoping to get a decent nights sleep tonight as I haven't slept so well for the last few nights. Last night inflammed gums kept me awake. I ended up having to take two panadols which knocked me out for about four hours. I hesitated taking them as it is advised to stop taking aspirin before surgery and I had visions of my surgery being delayed because 1. I needed to go to the dentist urgently 2. I'd taken pain relief. However a poppy seed popped out this morning so hopefully that's all it was although the side of my mouth is throbbing right now.

I've had to stop taking vitamin C, my prenatal vitamins, and spirulana before surgery. And I have to remove my toe nail-polish. That's why I was a little worried about the panadol.
Update: I checked with the gyno department at the hospital and it's fine to take pain relief that isn't aspirin so phew! (as aspirin thins the blood). I think I knew that, just wanted to check with them.

Yesterday I had some pre-op bloods done. I also took my daughter to our family Dr, with the letter from Plunket and she's going to be referred to both audiology and paediatrics up at the hospital within the month. This isn't something I've even revealed to extended family so it feels a little sensitive blogging about it. However, I am disclosing this here as if there is something wrong on the social/emotional front developmentally as the Dr thought there might be, it's unlikely to be related to my SI status. (in my opinion). That's why I have mentioned it as I have feared for months that both my own personal strife around SIF and my daughter's lone child status have caused problems. But that may not be the case at all. It could be a genetic problem - something she was born with.

Today I'm off to buy some magazines for entertainment/distraction up at the hospital and a phone card as apparently direct calls to my mobile are preferred over the hospital land-line. I bought some new PJs last week as I needed some more and I thought they were a sight nicer and brighter (bright pink) than the mans ones I currently wear!

Today will be a relatively quiet one with my daughter. I feel sad that we will miss out on decent quality time together for perhaps five days. I don't know what time I'll be in the ward and able to have visitors tomorrow, but I'm hoping my husband can come up for a visit and leave our daughter with friends. I don't think the first day after surgery is the best day for her to see her Mum. I definitely want to see her every day after that though!

Last night I was begging God to take away the pain of my inflammed gums. When physical pain hits, emotional pain no longer dominates (in my case, anyway). So I'm guessing recovering from my surgery will be my main focus over the next little bit. The pain of SIF will have to go on the back-burner.

I'll see you in cyberspace on the other side of surgery next week sometime! Wish me luck of course!

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