I had two three year olds under my wings yesterday morning. I really do enjoy having two children to look after - I guess it kind of soothes my longing for two children somehow. My daughter's friend from up the road asked if I was taking her to Kindy that afternoon. I discussed that with her Mum and might do that in the future - have her here in the morning, feed the girls lunch then walk them down the road together to Kindy. The girls are really good friends and it just feels so natural looking after two children at once.
Yesterday at Kindy I was carrying the same three year olds little sister. (about fourteen months). A MOT commented "That was fast!" Her wee joke about how I'd had a baby without having a bump...ha de ha. She's cracked this joke before and has no idea that I'm a SI. Hmmm. Not sure if I want to hear it a third time though.
Another Mum at Kindy is now a MOTH and had her five day old baby there. Everyone was swanning around trying to get a peek but I couldn't bring myself do it. I just said congratulations, when did you have the baby? and then fled as soon as I could. I guess that was my dream. That my daughter would have started Kindy and I would have a baby at home to care for. It is still hard to see that dream come true for others while I'm still floundering around out there.
I'm feeling okay today. It feels good to be back in our routine of Kindy and gymnastics etc now that the school term has started again. When my daughter was at Kindy yesterday I came back here and did some work on a freelance work. Then I sat outside with a cup of tea and was just still with God, taking in my surrounds and the sounds of Spring. I felt at peace and I want to make more of an effort to allow God into my day. I know when I can achieve serenity in my daily life then it overflows into a greater sense of trust overall with the God of my understanding.
This morning I've got my first coffee group with the local ASD support group. I'm curious to see what that's about. This arvo I'm off to the dentist while my daughter's at Kindy - not looking forward to that so much.
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